Jun 24, 2008

sampled out my windchimes today.

Hoisted myself on down the intricate rope ladder today and spent some time on the ground. Woulda taken the bamboo ladder but I ain't got the proper mobility for it, ya see. Not that it's any of yer business but I ain't got no legs. Wasn't born like that, nope. Weren't in no accident neither. An no critter gnawed 'em off. No, see, they plum evaporated. Just one mornin a few months ago I woke up, and they was gone. Plum disappeared. I ain't got no other explanation 'cept evaporation, seein as how I've had water on the knee for quite some time. But it ain't no real loss. Got all I need for proper survival on this here island. An did I mention my satellite dish? I get to hear all the mysterious wonders of the deep through this marvelous gadget, I sure do. The landlady don't like it so much though. I wasn't gonna mention her seein as how it's a bit of an embarrassment to tell ya, this ain't my treehouse proper. I'm rentin out the third level up. She's a purty young thing but she don't seem to be too sharp in the thinker, but that's alright. Gotta give her back her computer in just a bit, she's askin for it. Askin what I been doin online. Showed her this here site for writin and she got all perky an lit up. Lit up like a lighter at a Journey concert in the middle of yer favorite song. Boy I tell you what. Livin in a tree is where it's at. Oh shoot! Plum forgot to tell ya what I did today with my windchimes! Took the ones I already made, see, 'bout 3 of 'em, and set up a stand. Like a lemonade stand 'cept it's a Windchime Stand. I was hopin to attract some of them natives that live round here but all I got was some wretched freak all dressed in black. Had a big long stick he walked with an he plum introduced himself as the River Guide. Said he had a simple ferry system goin. Said alot of other jibberish that I don't quite recall but ANYWAY. Tried to sell him a windchime an he said he ain't got the funds. So I said, Here then, take a few samples an see how ya like 'em. I couldn't rightly see his expression of gratitude seein as how his face was all covered in that black hood, but I know just as sure as the day is long that man is plum satisfied with my creations. To be honest I was so excited to have my first customer that I sampled 'em all out to him. I'm goin back to my stand tomorrow to receive payment. Told him to meet me round the same time.
Welp! My landlady is askin for her computer back. She just asked me to set her up a good page for writin. I'm gonna do that right quick and say goodnite.
Done! Here's her page. http://tarasgoodblog.blogspot.com/ Thought maybe you'd like to get to know her. I don't think she's half as interestin as me, but that's alright. Alright like a sandwich on a sunday. Could be better, could be worse.