Jun 25, 2008

1 Peter 2:2-5

...like newborn babes, long for the pure milk of the word, that by it you may grow in respect to salvation,
if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord.
And coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected by men, but choice and precious in the sight of God,
you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

Well howdy! I'm just sittin here at my Windchime Stand awaitin the return of my customer. Just doin a little readin here and ponderin. Truth be told I ain't always got deep insight regardin the Word. In fact most of the time I simply read it and understand what I can. Take it at face value I sure do. I'm a simple man. Hey now. Did I tell ya how I'm gettin round down here on the ground? Got me a truck, I sure do. Found it on the beach next to a bright yellow plastic bucket and little shovel. It's a prime solid vehicle and suits me just fine. On the small side, sure enough, but I sure do get around in it. I ride in the bed of it. Well see here's the situation: I don't drive it straight up, no, see, what I do is, hop on in the bed and hold on to the controller device I found just a few feet away from it, has two red buttons and an antenna. I hop on in the back and push the button on the left, that makes it go. Forward, that is. Now this is the tricky part. When I need to back up, I switch on over to the button on the right. The ride can be a bit jerky at times but boy I tell you what, this truck is a real gift from God above. Gets me around just fine.

Still no sign of my hooded customer. Guess I'll just keep sittin and readin. But speakin of babes. Did I mention my landlady has a studio all set up? She sure does. Way up top on the deck. She got everythin her little heart desires up there. Paint and clay and jewelry-makin tools too. She keeps herself busy she sure does. I mean to ask her what all she does with her creations but don't want to intrude on her private affairs. Welp! That's about all I got fer ya at the moment...