Jun 25, 2008

well as it turns out I ain't gettin my windchimes back

Well you are never gonna believe in a million years what just happened. As you may recall I have been awaitin the return of my customer for payment on my windchimes. I had been sittin all day long, just sittin and waitin. Till I heard 'em. Faint dainty little bells a-ringin in the distance, the familiar sound of my windchimes! I thought the hooded customer was comin my way, but just as soon as the sound filled the air, about a minute or two later it faded back away.

I plum sat there in the back of my truck and scratched my head. The thought crossed my mind maybe he'd lost his way, so I decided to go on and look for him. Rather than drawin this out long I'm gonna tell ya straight what just went down. I made my way through the bramble and greenery till I came to the edge of the water, not the beach, no, but see there's an irrigation system here on this island, simple yet efficient. Narrow riverways that weave throughout.

The closer I got to the water the better I heard them tinkles and bells, so I followed the sound. Till I saw my customer. You won't believe what that pecker was doin. You just won't believe it. He had my windchimes all strung up on his boat, an he was plum hypnotizin the fish with 'em, as he slowly moved along the water the fish would just leap out of the water and right straightaway into the boat. I reckon he had at least 50 fishes in there. The wind caused most of the tinklin but when they stopped a-ringin he'd touch 'em with his stick. I am plum baffled at this, I sure am. I didn't say nothin. I must admit I was a little spooked. I watched him go on by and I decided to write them windchimes off as a loss. I may or may not have a nightmare or two 'bout that later on tonight. Creepiest sight I ever did see.

1 Peter 2:2-5

...like newborn babes, long for the pure milk of the word, that by it you may grow in respect to salvation,
if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord.
And coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected by men, but choice and precious in the sight of God,
you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

Well howdy! I'm just sittin here at my Windchime Stand awaitin the return of my customer. Just doin a little readin here and ponderin. Truth be told I ain't always got deep insight regardin the Word. In fact most of the time I simply read it and understand what I can. Take it at face value I sure do. I'm a simple man. Hey now. Did I tell ya how I'm gettin round down here on the ground? Got me a truck, I sure do. Found it on the beach next to a bright yellow plastic bucket and little shovel. It's a prime solid vehicle and suits me just fine. On the small side, sure enough, but I sure do get around in it. I ride in the bed of it. Well see here's the situation: I don't drive it straight up, no, see, what I do is, hop on in the bed and hold on to the controller device I found just a few feet away from it, has two red buttons and an antenna. I hop on in the back and push the button on the left, that makes it go. Forward, that is. Now this is the tricky part. When I need to back up, I switch on over to the button on the right. The ride can be a bit jerky at times but boy I tell you what, this truck is a real gift from God above. Gets me around just fine.

Still no sign of my hooded customer. Guess I'll just keep sittin and readin. But speakin of babes. Did I mention my landlady has a studio all set up? She sure does. Way up top on the deck. She got everythin her little heart desires up there. Paint and clay and jewelry-makin tools too. She keeps herself busy she sure does. I mean to ask her what all she does with her creations but don't want to intrude on her private affairs. Welp! That's about all I got fer ya at the moment...

Jun 24, 2008

sampled out my windchimes today.

Hoisted myself on down the intricate rope ladder today and spent some time on the ground. Woulda taken the bamboo ladder but I ain't got the proper mobility for it, ya see. Not that it's any of yer business but I ain't got no legs. Wasn't born like that, nope. Weren't in no accident neither. An no critter gnawed 'em off. No, see, they plum evaporated. Just one mornin a few months ago I woke up, and they was gone. Plum disappeared. I ain't got no other explanation 'cept evaporation, seein as how I've had water on the knee for quite some time. But it ain't no real loss. Got all I need for proper survival on this here island. An did I mention my satellite dish? I get to hear all the mysterious wonders of the deep through this marvelous gadget, I sure do. The landlady don't like it so much though. I wasn't gonna mention her seein as how it's a bit of an embarrassment to tell ya, this ain't my treehouse proper. I'm rentin out the third level up. She's a purty young thing but she don't seem to be too sharp in the thinker, but that's alright. Gotta give her back her computer in just a bit, she's askin for it. Askin what I been doin online. Showed her this here site for writin and she got all perky an lit up. Lit up like a lighter at a Journey concert in the middle of yer favorite song. Boy I tell you what. Livin in a tree is where it's at. Oh shoot! Plum forgot to tell ya what I did today with my windchimes! Took the ones I already made, see, 'bout 3 of 'em, and set up a stand. Like a lemonade stand 'cept it's a Windchime Stand. I was hopin to attract some of them natives that live round here but all I got was some wretched freak all dressed in black. Had a big long stick he walked with an he plum introduced himself as the River Guide. Said he had a simple ferry system goin. Said alot of other jibberish that I don't quite recall but ANYWAY. Tried to sell him a windchime an he said he ain't got the funds. So I said, Here then, take a few samples an see how ya like 'em. I couldn't rightly see his expression of gratitude seein as how his face was all covered in that black hood, but I know just as sure as the day is long that man is plum satisfied with my creations. To be honest I was so excited to have my first customer that I sampled 'em all out to him. I'm goin back to my stand tomorrow to receive payment. Told him to meet me round the same time.
Welp! My landlady is askin for her computer back. She just asked me to set her up a good page for writin. I'm gonna do that right quick and say goodnite.
Done! Here's her page. http://tarasgoodblog.blogspot.com/ Thought maybe you'd like to get to know her. I don't think she's half as interestin as me, but that's alright. Alright like a sandwich on a sunday. Could be better, could be worse.

Jun 23, 2008

funny dream I reckon

You like dreams? You wanna hear an old man's dream? Just the other day it sure was. I dreamed of a Hollywood actress, one of them bodacious-curvy blond bombshells, I ain't sayin which one, but she's a hottie that's fer sure, well I saw her, all dolled up yet so so sad, she was walkin' on out of a movie studio, almost evicted-like, her pretty head was down an she had been cryin. Poor filly bein sent away. I saw her feet- she was wearin them shiny red heels, all spikey and pointy like- but get this! They was in tennishoes. Sneakers. Old casual regular sneakers, all loose and untied, like she had to put them on at the last minute, right on over her red heels. She was bein cast out and no longer employed and havin to dress down. Let me tell you young whippersnappers what. Me an my Maker, we's close you see, and I got a knowin' in my gut that we are gonna see a sharp decline in all this Hollywood hullaballoo, all this celebrity riff-raff idol-worshippin nonsense. Due to a few different things. For one, finances. Less time and money spent on this so-called entertainment. Two, I do reckon just as the moral decay increases, in equal amounts we's gonna see a sharp rise in traditional morals. Ya see God ain't gonna let that old red devil have his way without steppin in and balancing things out. Oh fer cryin out loud I could talk on this topic forever.

My new business venture

Today I tried somethin new. Took a good long look at all the windchimes I made outta fishbones and although they are mighty fine and beautiful, they just don't clink right. They move pretty when the wind blows but they ain't got that ring to 'em. So here is what I did: dipped each bone in a bit of melted gold. Then strung 'em back up to dry and the effect is simply astounding. They not only clink but they ring and they sing. I got the gold from my fillings. Pulled two molars today but it's no loss seein as how they was the back ones. I'm thinkin now I will have the proper confidence required when I present them for sale to the natives. I ain't caught a glimpse of any of 'em just yet but I can hear 'em.
Well I am just plum sorry if this didn't entertain you. Let me set you straight: I am retired. Livin in a tree. I ain't got no more tales to tell and I ain't here to impress nobody. I aim to make good on my invite to do some Bible study with me but that's it.

Jun 22, 2008

Matthew 6:19-21

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal,
"But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in and steal; for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also..."
Welp! Looks like I'm good as far as that one goes, seein as how I ain't got nothin. Save for a few bare necessities that is. Got me a fine toolkit and a telescope too. Built me a satellite dish outta finely ground crabshells, got it all mounted up proper. So far all I'm pickin up is whale calls. Got a few more possessions but none worth mentionin at the moment.